ELI News

Fulbright Pre-Academic Program Sparks New Ideas with Open Access Research

Fulbright graduate students flexed their storytelling abilities Friday, Aug. 11 at the Fulbright Poster Session, an annual event that allows the international students the opportunity to present scholarly research topics to the public.

This year, 37 masters and Ph.D. students from 23 countries attended a pre-academic program at Syracuse University’s English Language Institute before matriculating into their degree programs at institutions across the United States. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs as part of its Fulbright Program and administered by the Institute of International Education, the scholars spent this time participating in a variety of workshops, field trips, and textual and oral communication courses. The students incorporated the resources and skills they acquired during their time at Syracuse into their poster presentations, allowing them to practice their presentation skills through repetition as attendees walk by.

“The event marks the culmination of a program that provides them with the confidence they need to embark on the next leg of their academic journey at different host institutions across the country,” says David Lind, director of International Programs. “International graduate students must master academic English and also learn to present their research in a manner that’s understandable to those not specialized in their domain.”

Translating Research into Storytelling

The Fulbright pre-academic program is designed to prepare international graduate students for academic life in the United States, which includes presenting academic research. Through textual and oral communication courses, students learn the value of storytelling and how to cut out their industry’s jargon, when necessary, in order to present research to those not well-versed in their field. Fulbright students can hone their casual storytelling skills on complex research topics while also improving their English language skills thanks to the repetition of the Fulbright Scholar Poster Session.

“The storytelling aspect of this project really came through in the presentations this year. Each student I spoke with this year couched their research in engaging narratives,” says Dylan Mohr, open scholarship librarian at Syracuse University Libraries. “They told me how their work was important both in terms of their discipline, but also how it related to me or things I engage the world in daily. To be able to communicate the intricacies of your work while also connecting with a diverse group of listeners is such a crucial skill.”


For Fulbright scholar, Aspy Mbani, the structure of the poster session allowed him to decipher the main points he wanted to share regarding his research topic.

“The poster project was an opportunity for me to try to sum up main ideas and make it easier for people to understand,” says Mbani. “It was not easy because there are a lot of things to share, but using the poster helped me to increase my ability to summarize the most important things.”

For Alimin Adi Waloyo, the Fulbright pre-academic program and the poster session laid the foundation for the skills he needs to thrive as a scholar in the United States as well as the rest of his academic career.

“I think that this kind of assignment is very useful because it teaches me several things,” says Waloyo. “One of them is time management, but also how to prepare everything before I create my poster, and how I’m doing research. In the future, we know how to present well in front of the audiences, and it’s also increased our confidence now and in the future.”

Continuing the Conversation with Open Access Publishing

The conversations continue as the Fulbright graduate students’ research topics will be published online and available for open access. SURFACE, the Syracuse University Institutional Repository, provides Fulbright graduate students with real-time data on their downloads, where people are downloading across the world, and how their work is being shared on social media, says Mohr.

“Open access is important for a number of reasons,” says Mohr. “First, making sure the incredible knowledge and work produced by these students can circulate in the world without barriers to access is what expands the scholarly conversation. Open access publishing supports a more equitable scholarly communication ecosystem—one that drastically reduces barriers to researchers.”

Open access publishing gives emerging researchers a boost of confidence and enables scholars to see the worth of their own work. The Fulbright poster session allows research topics to be presented from a different voice, allowing scholars to explore new avenues of the established topics.

“It’s crucial that students see that their voice matters, that their ideas and research circulate the world and make a difference,” says Mohr. “If you simply hand your final project to a professor or advisor at the end of a semester, then you never get to see how your work is valuable beyond the classroom. Open access publishing opens the door to new conversations, new debates, and new ideas. You never know who might be reading.”

About the English Language Institute

The English Language Institute, a department within the College of Professional Studies, at Syracuse University is a pre-degree program that prepares international students to succeed in their undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Established in 1979, this immersive year-round program allows international students the opportunity to learn English and culture in the heart of New York state.

By Hope Alvarez

International Fulbright Graduate Students to Present Research at Bird Library

Fulbright graduate students from around the world will be presenting a wide range of scholarly research topics on Aug. 11 at Bird Library from 9:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.

This year, 37 masters and Ph.D. students from 23 countries are attending a pre-academic program at Syracuse University’s English Language Institute before matriculating into their degree programs at institutions across the United States. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs as part of its Fulbright Program and administered by the Institute of International Education, scholars spend this time participating in a variety of workshops, field trips, and textual and oral communication courses. The scholars will incorporate the resources and skills they have acquired during their time at Syracuse into their poster presentations.

“The poster presentations provide a unique opportunity for the Fulbrighters to field questions about their research interests from people who are not necessarily well-versed on the subject,” says David Lind, director of the English Language Institute. “The event marks the culmination of a program that provides them with the confidence they need to embark on the next leg of their academic journey at different host institutions across the country.”

To learn more about the event, visit https://calendar.syracuse.edu/events/2023-aug-11/fulbright-scholar-poster-session-95576/.

About the English Language Institute

The English Language Institute, a department within the College of Professional Studies, at Syracuse University is a pre-degree program that prepares international students to succeed in their undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Established in 1979, this immersive year-round program allows international students the opportunity to learn English and culture in the heart of New York state.

English Language Institute Global Partnership Officer to Present at Expositions in Asia

For the first time in years, Syracuse University’s English Language Institute (ELI) is traveling to Asia to promote its programs.

Global Partnership Officer, Jeff Jiang, will attend a series of study abroad expositions from March 18-23, which includes stops in Bangkok, Taipei, Guangzhou, and Beijing. Additionally, Jiang will be meeting with ELI alumni to build connections and share updates about the ELI and Syracuse University.

If you are interested in visiting the ELI booth at the expos in these cities, please contact Jeff Jiang at jwjiang@syr.edu or on LinkedIn.

We look forward to connecting with you!

Ukrainian Student Finds New Opportunities Through English Language Institute

It started with an opportunity. Eduard Gusak sat down with his family and friend as they presented the life altering news to him. Months had passed since Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022, and Gusak was unsure of what his future held, but he knew he had to move forward.

“They told me I had an opportunity to study in the United States,” Gusak says.

With a bachelor’s degree in political science from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Gusak dreamed of continuing his education at Syracuse University. He wasn’t sure if he would ever be able to attend, but the U.S. government pathway program “Uniting for Ukraine” gave him the chance to see his future clearly.

“It’s so important to provide educational opportunities because it will have an influence on Ukrainian society in the future,” Gusak says. “I’m so thankful to Syracuse University for all that they have given me.”

Although well-versed in the English language, Gusak knew it wasn’t enough to thrive in an educational setting. He needed to go back to the basics and become knowledgeable about the language academically. Gusak enrolled in the English Language Institute at the College of Professional Studies to further improve his fluency.

Just around the corner from Marshall Street, the English Language Institute is an immersive pre-degree program that allows international students, like Gusak, the opportunity to learn English before diving into their undergraduate and graduate programs.

“I want to study public administration, but to be a student one can be proud of I knew I needed to become fluent in English,” Gusak says.

Now in his second semester, Gusak has adapted to life in America and is becoming connected to a variety of communities while also keeping in touch with his roots.

In just five months, Gusak has completed the Department of Public Safety’s community police academy and joined the University’s club swim team and Ukrainian club while he continues to learn English. When Gusak isn’t participating in University activities, he is found volunteering at Ukraine 1991 Foundation, a nonprofit corporation committed to providing resources and assistance in Ukraine.

Instead of taking time to reflect on the past year, Gusak prefers to concentrate on how his future will evolve. Volunteering and advancing his education are how Gusak continues to stay proactive. As an international student, Gusak’s motto is to always trust yourself and keep moving forward.

“We need to do everything we can to change our future,” Gusak says.

Gusak has applied to the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, which he hopes to attend after completing the Academic English program at the English Language Institute. After completing his studies in the U.S., Gusak will return to Ukraine and work in public administration.

“I now understand who I am and who I would like to be,” Gusak says. “There are people in Ukraine who sit without electricity, and even sometimes without food, who said it is more important to be in a democracy country than to have food. That gives me motivation. Every time I see a Ukraine flag, I’m reminded of why I’m here.”

About the English Language Institute

The English Language Institute, a department within the College of Professional Studies, at Syracuse University is a pre-degree program that prepares international students to succeed in their undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Established in 1979, this immersive year-round program allows international students the opportunity to learn English and culture in the heart of New York state.

By Hope Alvarez

English Language Institute Students Participate in Department of Public Safety’s Community Police Academy

English Language Institute students participated in the first Department of Public Safety (DPS) community police academy on Oct. 26 and gained an inside peek at the workings of the organization.

For international students, earning an education in an unfamiliar environment while adapting to cultural change can be a stressful experience. The DPS eases those burdens by hosting a community police academy that educates the Syracuse University community on campus safety protocols.

“When international students arrive on campus, the cultural change can be uncomfortable for them,” said Officer George Wazen. “The community police academy exists to work on bridging gaps and strengthening relationships and is a forward-thinking method of community engagement and crime prevention.”

The free four-week program features weekly three-hour sessions where Syracuse University community members can get an idea of what it’s like to protect and serve the campus community. For international students, it’s an opportunity to learn about university policies, New York state and local laws, and ease the transition into their new environment.

English Language Institute student, Eduard Gusak

“This program builds trust between students like me and the community police,” said Eduard Gusak, English Language Institute student.

Gusak discovered the community police academy after meeting Wazen at an information session during orientation week. Gusak used this opportunity to better integrate himself into the community, but he soon realized the program’s advantages as an international student.

“After this program, I saw how the DPS works,” Gusak said “Now I feel more comfortable because I know that I study in a safe place.”

The community police academy incorporated safety training by utilizing scenario-based role playing. The curriculum offered transparency by showing participants how the DPS operates. The lessons included a range of procedures such as how to take photos of evidence, how to properly utilize a first aid kit and fire extinguisher, and how to write reports, said Farzad Amiri, English Language Institute student.

English Language Institute student, Farzad Amiri

For Amiri, the community police academy was the opportunity to better understand self-defense and how to properly protect his community.

“Through our lectures and practical trainings, we address concerns and situations that may arise,” Wazen said. “We advise and recommend the safest actions when confronting a challenging situation.”

To learn more about the community police academy, visit dps.syr.edu/services-resources/community-police-academy.

About the English Language Institute

The English Language Institute, a department within the College of Professional Studies, at Syracuse University is a pre-degree program that prepares international students to succeed in their undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Established in 1979, this immersive year-round program allows international students the opportunity to learn English and culture in the heart of New York state.